Where is the school located?

We are located at
Kang Mai, P.O. Hariana
Distt. Hoshiarpur, Punjab
Pin: 144208

Does the school have boarding facilities?

No, Baba Manjh Convent School is a day school.

What are the timings of the school?

The school timings are

8:30 am To 3:00 pm

From Monday to Saturday

How can I contact the school?

You can contact us at
+91 9216 625 808
01886 250003
Email us at: bmcskangmai@rediffmail.com or bmcskangmai@gmail.com

Is the school co-educational?

Yes, Baba Manjh Convent School is a co-educational school.

Which Board is Baba Manjh Convent Affiliated to?

Our school is affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).

What is the admission procedure?

Admission to the school is strictly on “First come First Serve” for nursery grade.

For other classes, we conduct an admission test which is compulsory.

When do the admissions start?

The registration for admissions opens every year w.e.f. 1st November till 31st March.